V) Funding for the Project


The global budget of the project is estimated at 500,000,000 FF ($90,000,000)

Funding for the project will comprise a mixed bag of strategies and sources including: 

  1. National subscription
  2. Industrial partnerships
  3. Receipts from the Open Shipyards
  4. Tax incentives
  5. European and local grants


1) National subscription

National subscription is a real means of funding considering that the project aims to construct a French Academy onboard the greatest Tall Ship in the world, that will function as the French naval ambassador, and most of all, create 1,200,000 working hours.

This type of subscription will be limited to the purchase of work hours and will be based on donations.

It is conceivable that the launch of such a grand movement of support for the project can be successfully realized, provided that it is done in cooperation with the media: radio, audio-visual, and printed media, as well as the use of the Internet.

This particular point was affirmed by public reaction to events such as Brest 96 and the Boat Expo in Paris where France II Renaissance presented the project.

Crédit Photo : Bernard Bouygues France II Renaissance
France II Renaissance stand 
at Brest 96:
100 m²,  65,000 visitors

France II Renaissance stand 
at the Boat Expo 96
, Porte de Versailles :
117 m²,  70,000 visitors

The French are particularly active where great causes in humanitarian and health issues are concerned. They are called to action once again, on the theme of employment, by the generation of 1,200,000 hours of work for the construction sites and their dockyards. Their symbol being the greatest carrier of dreams: The Tall Ship Academy.


2) Industrial partnerships

Project "LA FRANCE" offers several vectors of communication to businesses and industry .

Crédit Photo : Bernard Bouygues France II Renaissance
Tour of sponsors
and partners.
Batavia shipyard. Lelystad

In the same way that industrial companies can establish partnerships for large public events covered by the media, they can be offered the statute of sponsor, supporting member, partner, or official partner of Project "La France". Their financial investment, or the exchange of proposed merchandise will be converted in work hours and the clubs and groups concerned may promote this theme, internally or externally.

Various traditional and novel means of communication will be employed to reinforce the impact of their promotional communications.


3) The Open Shipyard

As previously outlined, the Open Shipyard situated within two-hours of Paris, constitutes an important source of revenue.

In fact, various studies demonstrated that the site is capable of attracting an average of 450,000 paying visitors annually, with each adult ticket at a cost of 45 francs.

Detailed information allows us to evaluate the figures of such an attraction on all derived products and accessories.

Crédit Photo : Bernard Bouygues France II Renaissance
Open Shipyard of the SS GREAT BRITAIN,
Bristol - UK

Crédit Photo : Bernard Bouygues France II Renaissance
Open Woodwork Shop
Asterix Park - France


4) Tax incentives

Consideration for the opportunity of qualifying the project for tax incentives was also made.

Article 238 bis HA and HC of the General Tax Code, called "The Pons Law": allows the reduction from one's revenue or gross income, the amount of productive investments made in the DOM-TOM.

These conditions will be benefit the individual, family EURL or SARL, and businesses subject to taxes on Societies.

The benefits of these incentives are dependent upon the submission of a file at the General Tax Office followed by the latter's official concession.


5) European and local grants

In the area of naval construction, the job-creation, professional training, apprenticeship, and social reinsertion, Project "LA FRANCE" is eligible for a number of grants and support both European and local.

 These grants are estimated to cover 10% of the project's financial needs.



I Introduction: «LA FRANCE», a dream anchored in reality...
II Operation of the Five Masted Ship «LA FRANCE»
III Construction of the Five Masted Ship «LA FRANCE»
IV The Open Shipyard
V Funding for the Project
VI Conclusion et appendices



© French Ship Academy